Jagadamba Cement was founded in the year 2001 and began its commercial production then. It doesn’t only hold the largest share of the Nepali market but also is one of the largest cement manufacturing companies in Nepal. With a broad vision of business, Jagadamba Cement continues to produce and provide the best quality and quantity of cement. It was in 1964 when the business took shape of a group and was further diversified. Bishnu Prasad Neupane took up responsibility in 1986 and started the Jagdamba Cement Industries, his first manufacturing venture, in the early 1990s.

The efforts of Jagadamba Cement have laid the foundation for the quality production of cement in Nepal along with three types of cement_Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Pozzolana Portland Cement (PPC), and pozzolana Slag Cement (PSC), at a reasonable price.

Jagadamba Cement has established a new standard by meeting the country’s statutory and regulatory requirements, using high-quality raw materials, and continuously improving the quality of services availed by the company, indulging employees at all levels, utilizing the best available resources, and assessing quality objectives on a regular basis.

Because every human dreams to have a roof over his head and this comes true through only the best Cement. So, Jagadamba Cement being one of the largest Cement manufacturing Company, believes in providing the finest quality of cement to customers. With the slogan of “Mero Desh Mero Jagadamba,” there is no compromise when it comes to quality or quantity. Jagadamba Cement has already carved a niche for itself in Nepal, producing and providing superior and varied cement.

Jagdamba Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC)

Ordinary Portland Cement is mostly made of calcareous and argillaceous minerals, including limestone or chalk, as well as aluminum oxide, silica oxide, ferric oxide, and magnesium oxide, which are all found in clay or shell. Nearly every nation has the raw resources needed to produce Portland cement.

The rocks are mined from the raw materials, which are then crushed to a size of no more than 50 mm. The raw materials are combined and ground in a raw mill. Weight feeders transfer each item onto the belt in precisely measured proportions. To create Ordinary Portland Cement, the raw mixture is properly prepared for its chemical composition. Jagadamba cement plays a huge role in producing the best OPC cement in Nepal.

Benefits of OPC

  • Gives architects and engineers the freedom to create portions that are more streamlined and cost-effective.

  • Develops strong early on, allowing for considerably quicker removal of the formwork for the slabs and beams, which speeds up construction and reduces the need for centering.

  • Due to the extremely low percentage of alkalis, chlorides, magnesia, and free lime in its composition, it creates concrete that is exceedingly durable and sound.

  • In adverse settings, the almost nonexistent chloride concentration prevents concrete structures from corroding.

  • Due to their excellent early strength, concrete of grades M15, M20, and M25 and precast segments can be produced with significant savings in cement use.
Jagdamba 53 Grade OPC Cement is one of the highest selling cement in Nepal since 2001, which has become a distinct brand name in the Nepalese market. This company holds the largest market share in the Nepalese market.

Jagdamba Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
Jagdamba PPC
Portland cement clinker, synthetic pozzolana (fly ash), and gypsum or calcium sulfate are ground together to create Portland-pozzolana cement. Fly ash is an extremely fine particle that is formed as a residue when coal-fired thermal power plants’ exhaust gases are electrostatically or mechanically precipitated.

The best PPC cement in Nepal is often made by combining and grinding 65-75% Portland clinker, 3-6% gypsum, and 15-25% fly ash.

Benefits of PPC

  • Higher structural concrete durability

  • Enhanced defense against the attack of alkalies, sulfates, chlorides, and other dangerous substances.

  • Improved workability

  • Less heat is generated during hydration and better resistance results are provided by Jagdamba PPC.

  • The pozzolanic activity of high-quality fly ash reduces the likelihood of microcracks.

  • Improved surface quality.

Jagdamba Portland Slag Cement (PSC)
Jagdamba PSC
Gypsum, granulated blast furnace slag, and Portland cement clinker are combined in the right amounts to create this cement, which is then ground to achieve complete and intimate mixing of the components. Slag is incorporated up to 25–65% depending on the control over physical and chemical specifications.

Concrete can be made more consistently by substituting slag cement for some of the Portland cement in a combination. Higher workability, higher finish capability, lower permeability, improved resistance to corrosive chemicals, more consistent plastic and hardened characteristics, flexural strengths, and greatest compressive strength are only a few of the quantifiable advantages. Slag makes concrete easier to work with and more resistant to freeze-thaw cycles.

Benefits of PSC

  • Protection from chemical hazards

  • Development of Strength

  • Prevention of Crack

  • Lower Permeability

  • Durability Appearance

  • Eco-friendly

An innovator and pioneer of the cement industry of Nepal, Sarbottam Cement Limited Ltd. (SCL) is the first and only cement manufacturers to use a completely European production line.

We are also the first and only manufacturer that produces cement through the use of a Vertical Roller Mill (VRM). This innovative technology allows us to save up to 50% in energy consumption, thereby drastically reducing our carbon footprint. In this regard, we are the only Nepalese cement manufacturer able to produce eco-friendly or “green” cement.

As healthy dishes can only be made from healthy & fresh ingredients, quality cement can only be made from quality limestone. Dissatisfied with the poor limestone available – substandard in the amount of Calcium Oxide while often containing high levels of Magnesium Oxide – we at Sarbottam Cement have purchased various mines in limestone rich Palpa & Chitwan districts. These mines make available to us some of the finest limestone in the country, and as a result, we are able to deliver to our customers the highest quality cement possible.

Understanding that the majority of our cement is utilized in earthquake prone areas, Sarbottam Cement is uncompromising when it comes to strength and quality. Our energy efficient production methods coupled with our high-quality raw materials means that our cement just cannot be beat – not by other manufacturers, nor by harsh elements & natural disasters.

Products & Features

While there have been a range of mortars and adhesive construction materials throughout the history of humans, with ancient Romans being early pioneers in this regard, modern cement as we know it traces its origins to Britain and Germany in the mid-17th and 18th centuries. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), in particular, traces its modern form back to 1824, when British inventor and early cement pioneer Joseph Aspdin patented his invention as “Portland cement” — a reference to the Portland Stone Formation, a natural limestone formation, located in the Isle of Portland, England. Joseph’s son, William Aspdin, would later form his own cement manufacturing company and improve upon his father’s work. After a few iterations and revisions in the mid to late 19th century, including with the invention and patent of the rotary kiln, Ordinary Portland Cement as recognizable in the modern age began to take form. From the late 19th century onwards to the present day, the versatility offered by this new cement — whether used in conjunction with bricks, or mixed with aggregates to form concrete — led to its widespread proliferation. Concrete made by using OPC cement is often used in critical areas of construction projects, where a high degree of strength is required, such as in load-bearing beams & pillars, roads, tunnels, hydropower dams, etc.

Sarbottam’s OPC Cement goes above and beyond the minimum quality standard set by the Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NS), and differs from the competition by:

  • Sarbottam’s OPC Cement goes above and beyond the minimum quality standard set by the Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NS), and differs from the competition by:

  • Providing a higher Blaine and hence finer cement, up to 4500 cm2/g compared to about 3000 cm2/g (or less).

  • Being comprehensively free from alkalis.

  • Providing 20% or more bonding strength, therefore requiring at least 20% less cement for the same job.

  • Delivering the strength of M35 and M40 concrete without the use of any admixtures.

  • Providing much faster setting times, allowing for construction projects to be completed faster.

Sarbottam’s PPC Cement

Portland Pozzolana Cement’s (PPC) is made by replacing 15-25% of the clinker content in OPC cement — which is comprised of 95% clinker and 5% gypsum — with volcanic ash. The origins of PPC can be traced further back into history than that of OPC, back to the Roman Empire, where the ancient Romans would mix lime with volcanic ash and pumice to create a proto-concrete paste. This ‘Roman Concrete’, as it is known today, was used to make the Pantheon’s dome, which still stands today as the world’s largest and earliest non-reinforced concrete structure — nearly 2000 years since construction. The Roman’s believed there to be four different types of volcanic ash best used to make their concrete, with the most preferred being the ash found in Pozzuoli (modern day Naples), which is where the world “pozzolana” originates

The idea that PPC cement is inferior to OPC is a rather unfortunate misconception. Even today Roman Concrete is being studied for its continued longevity against millennia of abuse by the elements. Using fly ash — a coal combustion byproduct — instead of volcanic ash allows modern day PPC to mitigate its environmental footprint, both by utilizing the byproducts of other industries in addition to requiring less extraction of natural resources like limestone and volcanic ash. For example, by replacing 25% of the clinker in OPC with fly ash, 25% less CO2 is emitted — provided the fly ash was already created as a result of coal combustion in other manufacturing processes, and 25% less damage is done to the environment through limestone mining or volcanic ash extraction. As a result, proponents of PPC believe that this could be a far more sustainable method to meet the expected increase in concrete demand in the near future.

Similar to our OPC, Sarbottam’s PPC goes above and beyond the minimum quality standard set by the Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NS), and differs from the competition by:

  • Sarbottam’s PPC Cement goes above and beyond the minimum quality standard set by the Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NS), and differs from the competition by:
  • Providing a higher Blaine and hence finer cement, up to 3300 cm2/g compared to about 2500 cm2/g (or less).
  • Being comprehensively free from and resistant to alkalis.
  • Providing 15% or more bonding strength, therefore requiring at least 15% less cement for the same job.
  • Providing a very consistent ratio of clinker, fly ash, and gypsum, a result of our in-house thermal power plant.

Sarbottam’s Clinker

Clinker refers to the intermediary stage product obtained after heating a homogenized mixture of limestone and aluminosilicates. Clinker is then mixed with gypsum and ground to a fine powder resulting to cement. As the most critical raw material in manufacturing cement — 95% contribution by weight for OPC, and 70% or more contribution by weight for PPC, the quality of the clinker can be the defining factor in determining the quality of the cement. Before the operationalization of Sarbottam Cement, there were less than a handful of clinker manufacturers in Nepal, most of which would supplement their clinker supply with imported clinker from India. As a result, the large-scale import of clinker from Indian manufacturers, while critical to the survival of the Nepalese cement manufacturing industry, came at the detrimental cost of depletion of foreign currency reserves. What made even less sense was how the vast majority of imported clinker were from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, regions with little to no natural limestone formations; this clinker would then be delivered to cement grinding units that were often less than 100 km away from large natural limestone deposits. Correcting this economical and logistical travesty was one of the founding principles guiding the formation of Sarbottam Cement, back in 2010.

The secret to obtaining high quality clinker lies in careful selection of limestone in addition to a consistent and uninterrupted sintering of the limestone & aluminosilicate mix. Firstly, in order to ensure the availability of high caliber limestone, Sarbottam owns and operates five mines in the Palpa and Chitwan regions. Each mine is equipped with a quality testing laboratory that checks for vital parameters, such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and magnesium oxide (MgO), on an hourly basis. In addition to testing the chemical composition of the limestone, each mine is also equipped with a screening plant that can filter out unwanted dirt, dust, and other non-limestone materials, ensuring that only the high caliber limestone is loaded and delivered to the factory. Once the limestone enters the premises of the factory, it is once again subjected to quality checks before finally being approved for clinkerisation. Lastly, ensuring the availability of high caliber limestone in itself does not result in high quality clinker, the fineness to which the limestone and aluminosilicate mix is ground as well as the consistency to which this mix is heated and sintered also play a critical role. Sarbottam uses a VRM machine even at the raw mix stage (the stage where crushed limestone is mixed with materials high in aluminosilicates); VRM machines by virtue of design offer a more consistent, energy-efficient grinding ability, outperforming ball mills by achieving a higher degree of fineness at a lower energy outlay. Sarbottam Cement is the only Nepalese cement manufacturer to use VRMs at the raw mix stage. While the VRM allows the raw mix to be ground to incredible fineness, to achieve a more even and consistent sinter of this mix Sarbottam uses a six-stage preheater prior to cooking it in the kiln. Preheating plays a decisive role in clinker quality, as suddenly subjecting the raw mix to the sweltering heat inside the kiln will result to unfavourablyoxidised and inconsistently burnt clinker; instead, a more gradual and gentler approach is required, and modern cement research suggests that a six-stage preheater leads to the optimal chemical and physical transformation of the raw mix. Out of the handful of Nepalese cement manufacturers capable of making their own clinker, Sarbottam was one of the first and is one of the few manufacturers utilising a six-stage preheater, as opposed to the more common four- or five-stage preheaters used by our competition. To support a more consistent and uninterrupted preheating and sintering process, the entire pyro-section is powered by an in-house thermal power-plant; the power-plant prevents intermittent power loss from the mains grid from affecting the areas where a constant supply of heat is required. Again, it is no surprise that Sarbottam is the only Nepalese clinker and cement manufacturer to use its own power plant.

From limestone mining to clinker cooling, Sarbottam integrates new innovations and technologies to assure that our products are worthy of our name. Because so much care and effort is put into our clinker, countless other cement manufacturers have used or are using our clinker to make their own cement.

Located in Laxmi Road, Sunwal, Nawalparasi, Laxmi Steels Ltd. boasts perhaps one of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced production facilities in Nepal. With a production capacity of 10,000 Metric Tonnes per month and an ideal location right on the cusp of the East-West Highway, we are able to ensure consistent supply throughout our extensive distribution network.

We at Laxmi Steels understand the importance of strength and reliability in construction projects.Our consumers range from large projects – such as housing, apartment and road construction – to individuals looking to build their first home for their family. Yet, none of our customers want to compromise on the quality of the construction but are instead forced to do so to save on costs. We at Laxmi Steels however, offer high quality steel bars made from pure primer billets at costs similar to – if not the same as – the scrap-based steel bars offered by other manufacturers.

Our dedication towards serving the needs of our customers, and our relentless pursuit of quality & affordability has led us to develop Laxmi Steels Themex TMT Bars – guaranteed to be the best.

Products & Features

Our premium billets are imported from SAIL and TATA – both well renowned for quality and strength. We take pride in producing 100% pure steel bars.

Sarbottam’s OPC Cement goes above and beyond the minimum quality standard set by the Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NS), and differs from the competition by:

  • Strong Hold on Concrete
  • The improved rib design of our steel bars greatly increases the strength of its hold on concrete, enabling the creation of long-lasting structures.

  • Deterioration Resistance
  • No torque/twisting in shape makes our steel bars highly resistant to corrosion.

  • Easy but Strong Welding
  • Our steel bars have low to negligible amounts of carbon which increases the ease and strength of welding.

  • Uniform Weight & Size
  • Our steel bars are produced by advanced automated Themex technology. As a result, our TMT bars are all uniform in both weight and size.

  • Fire Resistance
  • We use a special mechanical and chemical bonding structure that greatly increases the fire resistivity of our steel bar.

  • Anti-Earthquake
  • The extensively researched specific metallurgical mixture we use makes our steel bars an ideal choice in earthquake prone areas.

  • Extreme Flexibility & Durability
  • Our commitment towards making 100% pure steel bars allows our TMT bar to be highly flexible while simultaneously being resistant to damage by bending or twisting.

  • Extreme Strength
  • In addition to using pure prime billets, we are meticulous in controlling the amount of phosphorous and sulfur in order to preserve the purity of our steel bars. Furthermore, the martensitic outer layer and the ferrous inner core give our steel bars. unparalleled strength.

Product Details & Specifications:

Located in Dry Port Road, Parsa, Birgunj, Sarbottam Steels Ltd. boasts perhaps one of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced production facilities in Nepal. Founded in 2017 and operationalized in 2021, Sarbottam Steel is one of the largest steels and billet manufacturers in Nepal. The factory occupies 15 bighas of land, and is capable of producing 1000 tons of steel every day. The company employs upwards of 300+ people combined across all of its business units in Nepal.

Sarbottam Steel Fe 500 rebar is new generation rebar with combined superior ductility and strength in consistent. This bar has unique due to its diamond ribs. This is the first time in Nepal rebar with such unique differentiation. This rib has 60% more bonding capacity with cement than any other rebars. This bar marks the beginning of differentiation in quality for steel rebars Fe 500 grades in Nepal.

The bar has several features that, when combined, offer maximum strength and durability to RCC structures. This bar with cross ribbed patterns was introduced to provide better bonding with concrete. the deformed patterns provide a better grip with construction materials. This bar has a particular pattern on its outer surface called ribs and lugs or DIAMOND ribbed pattern. the specific pattern comes in several variations and is decided according to how the TMT bar will be used and the properties that are most desired. This enhanced grip is crucial for keeping the structure intact during natural calamities such as earthquakes or floods when the stability of structures can reduce the loss of life and property.

Products & Features
  • Unique Ridges
  • SARBOTTAM SUPER GRIP REBARS HAS Uniform ridges, diamond ribs & superior bond strength ensures that concrete around the rebars does not crack or dust off due to continued wear & tear through the years, as opposed to ordinary rebars. That is the reason it has 60% more bond strength than any other rebars. STRONGEST BONDING WITH CEMENT EVER.

  • Elongations
  • SARBOTTAM SUPER GRIP REBARS with a minimum elongation of 16% at max force, SARBOTTAM SUPER GRIP REBARS can bear great weight, stretch under pressure, and return to their original shape and size.

  • Fatigue Resistance
  • SARBOTTAM SUPER GRIP REBARS have a uniform stress bearing capacity of 500 MPa. As opposed to ordinary rebars that crack overtime, SG rebars can absorb extreme pressure and stand strong in its categories rebars.

  • Earthquake Resistance Sarbottam SG Rebars
  • 100% of Nepal lies above volatile Himalayan and Eurasian tectonic plates and is highly prone to earthquakes of different magnitudes. Keeping in line with high international quality standards, SARBOTTAM SG rebars are especially suited for construction in these earthquake prone areas.

    Earthquakes cannot be predicted or prevented, but, the damage they cause to your home can be controlled! With their unique capacity to absorb large amounts of pressure due to 60% better bond strength with cement, SARBOTTAM SG rebars bend but do not break and protect your dream home.

Product Details & Specifications
Jagdamba PPC
Jagdamba PPC

Saurabh Photo International is a well-established & recognized trading company in Nepal and it is the authorized sole distributor of KONKA, China for their Color Televisions & Home Appliances for Nepalese consumer market. KONKA is among the leading brands in electronic appliances in China today and in Nepal. KONKA televisions are among the highest in terms of sales volumes. Besides televisions, the company markets other products which include Refrigerators, Air-conditioners, Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens, Rice Cookers, Steam Irons, and Mobiles.

Saurabh Group has been very successful in keeping a balance between its manufacturing & trading activities. The Group presently is the market leader in manufacturing & building materials such as Laxmi Steels, Jagdamba Cement, Force Cement & other related products. The Group has also diversified into other manufacturing activities which include HDPE/PP woven fabric, yarn, food products, and more.

In the context of trading commerce, the Group represents number of Companies of China, Korea, Japan & India and has been successfully marketing and distributing their products like electronic/home appliances, polymer, fiber, mobiles, watch parts and more. Today, the Group enjoys the reputation of being one of the leading Groups in Nepal into well diversified business.

Jagdamba Spinning Mills
Spinning Factory

Renowned and recognized for introducing innovation in processing, developing and manufacturing fiber-based yarn products, Jagdamba Spinning Mills Ltd. is Nepal’s leading yarn manufacturer. Our mill utilizes advanced production technologies coupled with a flexible production facility that allows us to produce 100% polyester yarn, polyester viscose blended yarn, and acrylic yarn - all at various counts.

Our products meet European & International textile standards and are continually checked for consistent quality. Whatever your needs may be, our yarn is guaranteed to meet them. Additional detail regarding our products, machinery & equipment, and process is also available.


Jagdamba Spinning Mills Ltd. is equipped to produce premium quality yarn ranging from 8s NE to 40s NE (Single and Various), plied, polyester & polyester/viscose (Raw-White or Black).

For more details, see table below.

Polyester PV 65/35 PV 70/30 PV 90/10 Acrylic Yarn
8/1 PES 8/1 PV 65/35 8/1 PV 70/30 8/1 PV 90/10 3/16 ACRYLIC
8/2 PES 8/2 PV 65/35 8/2 PV 70/30 8/2 PV 90/10 4/16 ACRYLIC
8/3 PES 9/1 PV 65/35 9/1 PV 70/30 9/1 PV 90/10 1/23 ACRYLIC
8/4 PES 10/1 PV 65/35 10/1 PV 70/30 10/1 PV 90/10 2/23 ACRYLIC
9/1 PES 10/2 PV 65/35 10/2 PV 70/30 10/2 PV 90/10
10/1 PES 10/3 PV 65/35 10/3 PV 70/30 10/3 PV 90/10
10/2 PES 10/4 PV 65/35 10/4 PV 70/30 10/4 PV 90/10
10/3 PES 11/1 PV 65/35 11/1 PV 70/30 11/1 PV 90/10
10/4 PES 12/1 PV 65/35 12/1 PV 70/30 12/1 PV 90/10
11/1 PES 12/2 PV 65/35 12/2 PV 70/30 12/2 PV 90/10
12/1 PES 12/3 PV 65/35 12/3 PV 70/30 12/3 PV 90/10
12/2 PES 14/1 PV 65/35 14/1 PV 70/30 14/1 PV 90/10
12/3 PES 15/1 PV 65/35 15/1 PV 70/30 15/1 PV 90/10
14/1 PES 15/2 PV 65/35 15/2 PV 70/30 15/2 PV 90/10
15/1 PES 15/3 PV 65/35 15/3 PV 70/30 15/3 PV 90/10
15/2 PES 17/1 PV 65/35 17/1 PV 70/30 17/1 PV 90/10
15/3 PES 17/2 PV 65/35 17/2 PV 70/30 17/2 PV 90/10
17/1 PES 20/1 PV 65/35 20/1 PV 70/30 20/1 PV 90/10
17/2 PES 20/2 PV 65/35 20/2 PV 70/30 20/2 PV 90/10
20/1 PES 24/1 PV 65/35 24/1 PV 70/30 24/1 PV 90/10
20/2 PES 24/2 PV 65/35 24/2 PV 70/30 24/2 PV 90/10
24/1 PES 30/1 PV 65/35 30/1 PV 70/30 30/1 PV 90/10
24/2 PES 30/2 PV 65/35 30/2 PV 70/30 30/2 PV 90/10
30/1 PES 30/3 PV 65/35 30/3 PV 70/30 30/3 PV 90/10
30/2 PES 36/1 PV 65/35 36/1 PV 70/30 36/1 PV 90/10
30/3 PES 36/2 PV 65/35 36/2 PV 70/30 36/2 PV 90/10
36/1 PES 40/1 PV 65/35 40/1 PV 70/30 40/1 PV 90/10
36/2 PES 40/2 PV 65/35 40/2 PV 70/30 40/2 PV 90/10
40/1 PES 40/3 PV 65/35 40/3 PV 70/30 40/3 PV 90/10
40/2 PES
40/3 PES

Machinery and Equipment:
Production Machinery :
  • B/ROOM – AND Blender – LMW Make, India.5 line with capacity 500kgs/hrs each

  • 36 nos of Cards – LC300AV3 – LMW, India. with capacity1100kgs/day each.
  • 12 nos of DO/6 Draw Frame – LMW, India with capacity 3500kg/day each
  • 10nos of RSB Draw Frame – LMW, India with capacity 3400kg/day each
  • 11 nos of LFS1660, LF4200A – LMW, India speed frame with capacity 2800kgs/day eac
  • 39 nos of Ring Frame (720 spindles each ) LR6/S – LMW, India with capacity 800kg/ per day each
  • 13 nos of Autoconer (AC 5, x5 and 338)– Schlafhorst, Germany with capacity 2400kgs/day each
  • 6 nos of Parallel Winding – SaurerPeass, India with capacity 2268kgs/day each
  • 28 nos of Two For One Twister (TFO) JV150 – India with capacity 525kgs/day each

Additional Equipment::
  • LUWA Humidification Plant – Switzerland.
  • USTER TESTERS, For Testing - Switzerland.
  • Blend Testing Machine – India.
  • Kay And Cone Export For Online Checking And Testing.
  • Other Testing Equipment In Lab.
  • Jagdamba Spinning Mills Jagdamba Spinning Mills

Manufacturing Process:
Jagdamba Spinning Mills

Jagdamba Spinning Mills

Selling Market:
Jagdamba Spinning Mills

Saurabh Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd. is located at fertile zone of Indo-Nepal border with an area of 200 hectare. The quantity of green leaf produced is highly appreciated by the Tea Board of Nepal.

The total production capacity of green leaf is 1.4 million Kg annually. The garden has got complete irrigation facility and has employed around 200 people. The total product is only supplied to Jagdamba Tea Processing Pvt. Ltd.

Jagdamba Tea Processing Pvt. Ltd is located at the hub of tea leaves growing area called Jhapa District. The plant has the capacity to produce 1.5 million Kg of CTC tea and 100,000 Kg of green and Orthodox tea annually.

About 90% of its products are exported to India, Pakistan, Russia, Belgium and other countries around the world. As the raw material (the green leaf) is 100% produced by its sister concern companies called Saurabh Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd, Handia Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd and Mangalam Tea Estates Pvt. Ltd.

The quality of CTC tea is controlled while plucking tea leaves itself. The in-house planted area is more than 600 hectare of land. Our valuable clients include Tata Tea, 502 Pataka Tea & many more branded producers in India.